©2024 Philippe Charriol International Ltd.
When you embrace your uniqueness, you believe in your power and light. What comes after believing is action. You must put in the work. It may take time, but remember, most great things don’t just happen overnight. You may stumble and fall, but keep picking yourself back up. Do the work. Be patient knowing that what is meant for you will always find its way to you. When it does, use these gifts for a purpose other than your own success. Lift others up. Pave the way for others to see the possibilities that are ahead of them. When you show others your light, you allow them to see the light that is intrinsically in them, in all of us. This is our collective power. Together, we tap into the hero within and we soar as one. Beyond any reward. Beyond recognition and fame. Beyond and ahead of time.

Iza Calzado