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Truman Capote once said, “Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs in one go”. Indeed, the sensory splendor of La Serenissima is like no other. It is a city of high tides, high romance and high drama -and I try to go whenever I have a chance. Port cities offer a point of encounter, an opportunity for cultures to meet. Today, Venice continues this tradition of exchanging ideas, emerging as a capital of art and cinema. If you can, time your visit to catch the Biennale, but if you happen to go on an off year, there’s never a lack of beauty and creativity to discover.  

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The Classic: The Gritti Palace

Why? For its sumptuous interiors, exquisite food and impeccable service. You’ll feel the history in every corner of the place. 

The Intimate: AirBNB in the Greek Quarter

If you’re traveling with kids, a roomy AirBNB will make you feel more like a local. We had breakfast on a terrace overlooking the Chiesa di San Girogio dei Greci. 

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The Classic: Trattoria do Forni

Ask to sit in the White Room and start with a dozen fresh oysters. Follow up with the seafood risotto, full of freshly caught fish from the Lagoon. 

The Intimate: Osteria Oliva Nera

The legendary Isabella Zambone runs this perfect local spot. The ingredients are seasonal, so trust the chef. It’s a great spot to sample a local Pinot Grigio. 

If you’re running between museums and need a quick lunch, grab a slice at C’E Pizza E Pizza, followed by pistachio gelato at Gelatoteca Suso 

©2024 Philippe Charriol International Ltd.


The Classic: Jeweler Nardi Venezia 

Located off the Piazza San Marco, this shop is a true jewelbox. The fantastical designs are investment pieces, but what better way to remember a once-in-a-lifetime trip. 

The Intimate: Chiara Stella Cattana

At this charming shop you will find fine textiles that reinterpret the Italian tradition for linens in modern styles. Stock up on pajamas that will last until your next visit.

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